5 Best Socks for Deadlifting

Deadlift socks are required for powerlifting competitions. This is mainly for sanitation reasons because some lifters end up scraping their shins so bad that they will actually bleed. And blood on the bar is a big no-no.

A lot of powerlifters, myself included, tend to be slightly reluctant when it comes to this required article of clothing. Wearing a singlet is bad enough and now you’re telling me I have to wear knee high socks? Sometimes I feel a little goofy. But then I think of bodybuilders and what they wear on stage and I feel heaps better.

But there’s good news! You can get socks with badass designs so you’ll look like a boss and intimidate the competition!

If you do an Amazon search for “deadlift socks”, you will quickly find a ton of cool designs.

Here are some of my favorite deadlift socks

What about soccer socks?

A slightly cheaper option is to wear soccer socks, which also come up to your knees. These will likely be thinner than deadlift socks but should work fine. For my first two powerlifting meets I wore a pair of adidas soccer socks and they were fine. Although now that I’ve worn socks made for deadlifting I will never go back.

Here are a few good pairs of soccer socks if you’re trying to save a couple bucks.

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